
Thanks to:

AndiSmith would like to thank the following contributors:


The people listed here have created new secrets. Thank you!


The people listed here have helped make this site a better place by improving secrets, checking for errors and fixing typos. Thank you!

How to Contribute

The Github Repo for this site is available here!

You can either contribute new tips by:

  • Creating a Markdown (.md) file in the folder 'secret' as described below and sending a pull request (the template is below).
  • Or if Github isn't your usual cup of tea - adding an issue to Github issues (marked enhancement). This is a slower route - so please be patient if you submit a tip.

We are also looking for an experienced proof reader, if you'd be interested in helping out please contact me.

Regardless of the method you choose to submit, please include the following information:

  • Browsers (Chrome, Firebug, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari)
  • Category (General, Console, Inspect, Editing, Debugging, Performance, Storage, Mobile)
  • The tip, including any specific browser information.

Contributors will be acknowledged/credited on this page rather than on individual tips, as well as in the Markdown file.

If you are creating a Markdown file, here is an example template. Feel free to clone one already in the repo.

date: 2014-32-20 14:08:26
layout: secret
published: true

title: Title goes here.
- Andi Smith # Your name.
order: 99-99999
- chrome
- firebug
- firefox
- internet-explorer
- opera
- safari
parent: console # must be one of the categories above
- console # can be multiple
- secret # do not remove
<p>Content should go here.</p>
<p class="chrome">To provide information for a particular browser, add a class (lowercase, hyphen for internet-explorer).</p>
<p><code>// code should be wrapper in these</code></p>
<div class="firefox image"><img src="/assets/img/placeholder.gif" data-src="/assets/img/secrets/firefox-image-name.png" /></div>